Changes in extreme climate indices in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Slobodan Gnjato, Tatjana Popov, Marko Ivanišević, Goran Trbić


The study analyzes trends in extreme climate indices in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Based on daily maximum temperatures, daily minimum temperatures and daily precipitation during the 1961–2016 periods, a set of 27 indices recommended by the CCl/CLIVAR Expert Team for Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) was calculated in the RClimDex (1.0) software. Given the results, the extreme temperature indices displayed a warming tendency throughout the year (most prominent in summer). The positive trends in warm temperature indices were stronger than the downward trends in cold ones. The highest trend values were estimated for TXx, TNx, TX90p, TN90p, WSDI, SU25 and SU30. The extreme precipitation indices displayed trends mixed in sign (annually and seasonally), but all statistically insignificant. However, upward trends in R99p, RX1day, RX5day, SDII, R10mm and R20mm suggest an increase in the magnitude and frequency of intense precipitation events. Moreover, significant changes in distribution of majority temperature indices were determined, whereas shifts in precipitation indices were mostly insignificant. The observed changes in extreme temperature indices are related with large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns (primarily the East-Atlantic pattern) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. The negative correlation with the North Atlantic Oscillation, the East Atlantic/West Russia pattern and the Arctic Oscillation is found for majority of extreme precipitation indices.

Key words: extreme temperatures and precipitation indices, trend, Generalized Extreme Value distribution, climate change, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

© 2021 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

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