Perceptions of the problems of drinking water supply in Ziguinchor (Senegal): Case of the peripheral district Nema 2
Good water quality is important for the human health, energy and development. However, it is not available to millions of people throughout the world. In the Casamance region, the climatic situation has been characterised for the last thirty years by a drop in rainfall, combined with a demographic explosion which has led to an intensive exploitation of available water resources. Ziguinchor, the main city of Casamance, although located in a humid region rich in rainwater, does not guarantee continuous access to drinking water for all its inhabitants, especially those living in the outlying districts. The aim of this article is to show that the difficulties of access to drinking water in the outskirts of Ziguinchor are closely related to the inadequacy of the infrastructure for water supply. The methodology adopted revolves around three main axes: documentary research, data collection and data processing. The results of this study reveal that the water production capacity in Ziguinchor, of 9,500 m3 per day (i.e. 400 m3/h), in fact presents a production deficit in relation to demand from population estimated at 583,528 inhabitants, mainly noted in the peripheral zone such as Néma 2. The causes of this mismatch between supply and demand are due to inadequate infrastructure, but also to the pollution and salinity of water resources, in addition to poor governance of the supply sector. Faced with this situation, there is an imperative to mobilise water resources in the commune in a properly rational manner and to ensure more sustainable management.
Key words: water resources, supply, drinking water, periphery, Ziguinchor
© 2021 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.
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