Evaluation of the residential satisfaction via a factorial analysis of the residential environment (social housing). The case of the city of boussaâda, Algeria
The improvement of the quality of life within the residential environment is the ultimate objective of sustainable development, in which its environmental, economic and social dimensions are constantly identified and updated. To this end, the development of a reference framework for the actors of the housing sector can formulate new policy trends related to the planning and design of the residential environment. Post-occupancy evaluation is an appropriate method for assessing and evaluating the impact of housing policies on residents' behaviour. Then, the results of these policies are tested by measuring residential satisfaction and by determining the factors that affect it. To achieve this objective, the technique of a head-of-household interview form was used. We relied on eighteen well-known potential variables in studies related to housing satisfaction, focusing on the social dimension. A sample consisting of two social housing clusters in the city of Boussaâda, comprising 121 households was randomly selected. Finally, the data were statistically processed using a factor analysis which is the principal components method, through which four factors containing fourteen variables that control residential satisfaction were extracted.
Key words: residential satisfaction, post-occupancy evaluation, factor analysis, residential environment, social dimension, City of Boussaâda
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