In search of an architectural genome of traditional houses: case of the habitat of the Dechras of Arris

Samiha Aksas, Abida Hamouda


This paper investigates the traditional production process that defines the perfect symbiosis between the site, culture, and construction engineering lifestyle. Indeed, despite the limited means, ancient builders have erected collective edifices well adapted and suited to the occupants' needs. This study aims to assess ancient auressian clusters to investigate the relationship between space and the resident community and establish a reference cultural model. Therefore, Arris villages (Dechras) have been selected as it represents the earliest and most significant settlements in the Aurès region. This study is based on syntactic analysis of several traditional houses dispositions using qualitative and quantitative approach of Agraph and Depthmap sotware data processing. The spatial organization analysis findings outline numerous genotypic similarities and few discrepancies. Moreover, the outside is directly linked to the interior space by the yard, representing the divergence pole. The outdoor is rarely accessible by the roof (Skiffa) to enforce the domestic life introversion aspect.

Key words: Dechras d’Arris, depthmap, genotype, traditional houses, space syntaxe

© 2022 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

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