Residential fencing and security aspect: the case of the new city of Ali Mendjeli in Constantine (Algeria)
Our research article focuses on the security aspect in the living quarters of collective housing and aims to determine the main reasons for the residential fencing. Taking as a case study the new city of Ali Mendjeli, more specifically the 434 housing units in the neighbourhood unit No. 05, from a participatory social housing program. It is divided into two sections; the southern section, which consists of 242 housing units was the subject of our investigation. To fulfil the objectives of the research and get reliable results, we chose to work with a mixed-method research approach. Firstly, we used a quantitative method based on a questionnaire and then a qualitative method based on interviews and direct observation.? The results of our survey revealed that the security aspect is a major concern for the inhabitants of the district, which leaded them to choose the residential fencing in an informal residentialisation process of the studied district, and by extrapolation of the surrounding districts. We also noted that the type of security sought as a top priority was for the dwellings, more than vehicles or persons, and the main obstacle to fencing work was financing. It seems to us that it would be right for the relevant authorities to take this aspect into consideration during urban upgrading processes but also in new housing programs so that this type of residential fencing integrates the upstream the study stage of this type of project.
Key words: collective housing, gated communities, gated housing, residential security, residentialisation
? 2022?Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the?Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs?3.0 Serbia.
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