Methods of functional zoning of protected areas for development of ecological tourism
The influence of territorial structures on the formation of functional zones in protected areas is analysed. The need to identify spatial combinations of the most valuable elements of the territorial structure is formulated. The zone configuration is determined by areal, linear and single territorial structures. These are also components of specialized frames. Influence on the location of functional areas is produced by: environmental framework (reserves, specially protected areas, educational tourism zone, protected area); eco-cultural frame (area of protection of historical and cultural objects, area of traditional nature management); natural recreational frame (recreational area, area of visitor services, especially protected area); transport frame (economic area and area of visitor services). Currently, research in the field of spatial development of ecotourism territories is fragmentary. Therefore, there is a need to develop a theoretical model of urban development of ecological tourism territories, the spatial organization of which should be based on the principle of active prevention of environmental violations in the development of recreational activities.
Key words: area of cultural tourism, protection area of historical and cultural sites, recreational area and tourist services, traditional land use area
? 2022?Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.
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