Green infrastructure, a thermal regulator for the arid city. Case study of the city of Bou-saada

Malika Ouzir


From a sustainable development perspective, becoming aware of the preservation of green spaces and the creation of green infrastructure is a great challenge for the Algerian arid city, especially in the arid environment. Green infrastructure is multifunctional open space networks aimed at sustainable resource management and environmental improvement. We chose the city of Bou-saada as a case study to demonstrate the need for green infrastructure. This city, with a semi-arid climate, presents a very varied, complex and fragile historical, archeological and natural richness subjected to strong anthropogenic pressures. The overall objective of this research is to assess green infrastructure in the city of Bou-saada using a qualitative barometer. This method uses several themes around the concept of multifunctionality and thermal comfort, also using some sub-themes to break down the themes. Green infrastructure in the city of Bou-saada can withstand the drought and heat emanating from this area, provide shade and reduce heat, prevent soil degradation and desertification by stabilizing the soil and mitigating wind-induced erosion. Through this research, we have also looked at several issues such as safeguarding the natural heritage, combating desertification, and siltation.

Key words: green infrastructure, green spaces, Bou-saada, multifunctionality, qualitative barometer

? 2023?Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the?Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs?3.0 Serbia.

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