Pole of inaccessibility as polygons for the development of a nature-oriented recreation system in Russia

Andrey Yu. Korolev


The concept of the pole of inaccessibility is defined as the point which is situated as far as possible from the boundary objects, which are: operating settlements, year-round roads or railways, the coastline of navigable water bodies, as well as areas with ongoing economic activity with a change in landscape type. The structure of non-populated areas, which can be heterogeneous and have a focus and a periphery, has been studied. 4 levels of uninhabited areas have been identified: local, regional, national-continental and planetary. Uninhabited areas are the testing ground for the development of nature-oriented recreational system (NRS). NRS is a variant of the classical territorial recreational system (TRS) on uninhabited territories, consisting of four subsystems: uninhabited areas, tourists, regulatory authorities and service personnel. In most cases the development of the NRS is carried out without its transformation into the TRS, and it is necessary so that tourists can plan their routes logically and safely, in the most interesting and attractive places.

Key words: pole of inaccessibility, uninhabited area, nature-oriented recreational system, tourism, recreation, natural areas

? 2022?Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

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