Study of spatial configuration and social behaviour in corridors housing in Blida, Algeria
This paper aims to investigate the relationship between spatial configuration and social behaviour in corridor housing. It seeks to understand the effects of the dwelling, the corridor as a space, and the inhabitant as a user on one another, through the case study of the Ourida housing estate in Blida, Algeria, which was built in the post-war period by Atbat-Afrique under the direction of Candilis. The methodology triangulates three data collection methods: systematic observation, a mixed qualitative and quantitative survey of a sample of 180 user (56% of total residents), and measured drawings of 40 out of 60 dwellings. The finding reveals a connection between the social behaviour of inhabitants and the spatial configuration. This corridor housing configuration required specific socio-spatial behaviours from the inhabitants of Ourida while failing to accommodate their lifestyle needs. Moreover, territoriality, control and surveillance, privacy, and the creation of defensible area, are the expression of social behaviour in space. Additionally, the layout of Ourida housing does not promote neighbourly interactions and activities. The results of this study highlight the importance of considering needs, lifestyle, and culture in space configuration.
Key words: spatial configuration, social behaviour, corridors housing, dwellings, lifestyle
? 2023?Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the?Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs?3.0 Serbia.
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