Geographical characteristics of the distribution of the population of the Kosanica Region - correlation with the development of tourism

Vojkan Bojović


The goal of this research is the analysis of the geographical features of the population distribution of the Kosanica settlement. The centre of the analysis is the geographical area of the Kosanica region and the changes in the demographic structure of the settlement caused by two socio-economic processes: economic emigration to the city centre of Kur?umlija, or to the larger city centres of Serbia on the one hand, and on the other hand a diametrically opposite process - the development of tourism in spa settlements. Population projections are related to the implementation of population policy, that is accepting the inevitable situation, changing what can be changed, which means changing the demographic dynamics and trends in order to harmonize with the expected socio-economic processes. In the conclusion of this work the author predicts a moderate growth in spa settlements and stable fertility to a level that, as a minimum, ensures population renewal through the development of tourism, while in other rural settlements and in the city centre of Kur?umlija, the demographic structure of the population is getting worse.

Key words: Kosanica, settlement, geographical distribution, population, tourism

? 2023?Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

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