Sustainable tourism in the context of sustainable territorial development (the case of Kaliningrad oblast)

Eleonora G. Matyugina, Olga V. Vusovich, Irina L. Vanina


In the presented article it is examined the relationship between ?sustainable tourism? and ?sustainable territorial development? on the material of Kaliningrad Oblast. The summary of native and foreign scientists` views allowed for differentiation of opinion concerning the dominance of certain sustainable development sphere, to present and substantiate the author`s vision. By examining a set of relationship between economic, environmental and social spheres of sustainable development the prevalence of the first one has been proven on the materials of Kaliningrad Oblast as confirmed by the analysis of the institutional framework for the regulation of the tourist sector and socio-economic development of the region. Pro-cyclical nature of the development of the tourist sector of the territory is determined which emphasizes the importance of the last one and the urgency of regulating it in close connection with economic dynamic. The analysis of the State Program of Kaliningrad Oblast ?Tourism? and of the Strategy for Socio-economic Development of Kaliningrad Oblast was carried out in terms of identifying the manifestation of the above-mentioned relationship (targets, main activities of the Program; the goals of the Strategy for Socio-economic Development (the goal is ?development of the tourism sphere.

Key words: tourism sector, economic, environmental, social spheres, regulation, economic interactions

? 2023?Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the?Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs?3.0 Serbia.

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