Holocene and postglacial lake sedimentation in the central part of the Karelian Isthmus as an example of Lake Krasnoye in the Leningrad Region

Sergej Komazec


This paper deals with the issue of changing the conditions of the geographical environment in the postglacial and Holocene in the central part of the Karelian Isthmus. Toward paleogeographic reconstruction, a survey of the sediments of the bottom of Lake Krasnoye (Leningrad Oblast, Russian Federation) was conducted, since the lake deposits represent a reliable source of information about natural events from the past. A large amount of data obtained by X-ray fluorescence analysis of the core sample was analyzed, a lithostratigraphic description of the sediments was carried out and geophysical characteristics of the bottom sediments were interpreted. They were divided into several units that differed in the number of properties and reflected different sedimentation conditions. In the reconstruction of the past natural environment, special attention is paid to paleoclimatic and paleosedimentological issues.

Key words: quaternary, paleogeographic reconstruction, X-ray fluorescence analysis, paleosedimentology, geochemistry

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