Urban form and daily mobility on the outskirts of Constantine (Algeria): case of the new town of Ali Mendjeli
This article presents the results of research into the impact of urban form on mobility practices in the outskirts of Constantine, which has experienced spectacular urban growth in recent years. Like other Algerian cities, Ali Mendjeli is one of the most unusual urban forms to have arisen from the saturation of the mother city, and has undergone rapid urban expansion, marked by the concentration of major facilities and services. This has led to several urban dysfunctions, reflected in longer distances travelled, strong growth in the number of journeys and increased use of the car, resulting in saturation of the road network and the inefficiency of public transport, which can no longer cope with high demand, and the emergence of informal transport. In fact, the household travel survey carried out in 2020/2021 revealed that the distance between home and work increases with distance from the town center, with a correlation coefficient of R² = 0.78. In addition, the urban layout of Ali Mendjeli is difficult to navigate on foot, with the private car the most dominant modal share, and public transport is still in deficit due to the poor quality of its offer.
Keywords: urban form, mobility patterns, urban sprawl, motorization, transport, Ali Mendjeli
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