The protection of colonial heritage in the face of socio-economic dynamics (Case study of downtown Ain-Beida-Algeria)

Houria Chouaf, Lazhar Gherzouli


Algeria has a rich heritage due to the succession of various civilizations on its territory. However, the authenticity and cultural significance of its built heritage is being lost. The historic center of Ain-Beida, in particular, has undergone unplanned changes leading to inconsistency and lack of integration. To understand the factors that have led to the degradation of its architectural and urban framework, we have analyzed the urban policy and heritage management of the city, as well as the urban dynamics that have occurred in its historic center. Our analysis shows that the deterioration of the colonial legacy is a result of the urban strategy adopted by the Algerian state, the circumstances of the country, and the proliferation of urban dynamics. These changes have had a significant impact on the physical and functional aspects of the colonial buildings. In Algeria, the succession of multiple civilizations on its territory has given it a strong heritage potential. Lately, the built heritage tends to lose its authenticity, its symbolic and cultural dimension. The city of Ain-Beida, its historic center has continued to sketch images of inconsistency and lack of integration following anarchic mutations. Faced with this observation, we aim to focus on the factors that have led to the alteration of its architectural and urban framework. To do this, this contribution opts for a methodology which, on the one hand, is focused on the examination of the urban policy of the city and on the management of the heritage, and on the other hand, on the analysis of the urban dynamics occurred on its old center. The result of the analysis showed that the urban strategy adopted by the Algerian state through its legal arsenal and its institutional approaches, in addition to the circumstances of the country, translated by the opening of the marked, and which led to the proliferation of urban dynamics, all played a role in the deteriration of the colonial legacy which was exposed to profound changes in its physical and/or functional aspect.

Key words: heritage, historical center, incoherence, mutation, urban dynamics, the city of Ain-Beida, degradation, colonial building

© 2024 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

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