The influence of social geographic changes on the availability of parking spaces: a case study of Novi Sad

Tamara Lukic, Bojan Đerčan, Ivana Blešić, Milka Bubalo Živković, Tatjana Pivac, Dajana Bjelajac


The purpose of the paper was to illustrate a case in which the socio-geographical changes of the settlement are reflected on its streets, particularly concerning parking availability. The research aimed to address the increasing scarcity of parking spaces in planned areas of the city.  To achieve this, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with parking space users. The analysis of the responses revealed certain patterns reflecting socio-geographical processes in the population of Novi Sad. The results showed that the lack of parking spaces is attributable to factors such as the growing number of cars, which is a consequence of gentrification, population aging, delayed departure from parental homes, etc. The challenges in finding parking spots adversaly affect the city’s sustainability. The work is significant for two main reasons: firstly, it illustrates phenomena accompanying cities’ population and economic development, and secondly, it highlights the necessity, during spatial planning in urban areas, to consider contemporary demographic processes while also anticipating demographic trends. Proposed solutions include enhancing the role of public transportation and promoting alternative modes of transport. However, these solutions come with drawbacks such as time constraints, weather conditions, pricing, availability, and other factors.

Key words: Novi Sad, parking spaces, socio-geographical changes, urban area

© 2024 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Serbia.



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