The spatial and functional tourism planning
The spatial and functional tourism planning should be understood as a planned, scientifically based, continuous, targeted, economically and socially justified activity that is clearly adapted to the local environment, region or country to which it relates. It is about the optimal targeting of actions and the implementation of tasks in an area that has one or more attributes of tourist attraction and as such represents a tourism value presented to the domestic and foreign tourism market through seasonal or year-round tourism, i.e. some of its forms, if it is properly planned. The planning must achieve adequate economic and social effects resulting from the stay of tourists and their consumption. The space, accommodation and catering facilities, infrastructure and superstructure, equipment and their arrangement are selected depending on the natural and anthropogenic tourist values and the types of tourism they enable. It is very important to emphasize the local and regional characteristics of the area, tradition and modern condition.
Key words: spatial planning, functional planning, tourism values, tourism facilities, tourism infrastructure, economic and social impacts
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