Assessment of occupants' behaviour on the indoor luminous ambiances of collective residential buildings: a case study from Annaba, Algeria

Selma Makhlouf, Mohammed Cheraitia, Djamel Alkama


The rise of ecological approaches to designing and constructing homes, which prioritize energy efficiency and sanitation, has garnered significant attention. Ecological architecture is especially pertinent in its integration of natural light into the design process. Changing patterns of living and space utilization necessitate a reassessment of priorities and the adoption of new techniques in living space design. This study aims to evaluate the satisfaction of occupants in residential buildings in the Oued el-Fourcha neighborhood in Annaba through a post-occupancy assessment. The assessment explores the intersection of designing for daylighting and designing for how occupants interact with their indoor environment. Additionally, it investigates the impact of daylighting and human behavior on the lighting environment. The study examines the qualitative aspects of daylighting, considering the preferences, health, and behavior of building occupants. The research findings indicate that window size and occupant behavior can have a detrimental effect on the lighting environment of occupied spaces, which can subsequently impact occupant health.

Key words: daylighting, occupant satisfaction, human behavior, health, indoor space, Annaba

© 2024 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

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