The European economic space: some new aspects of regionalization
European continent is very diverse in physical, demographic, economical and social aspects. Different processes that shaped European continent during the past times produced different economical environment across the whole continent. Economic regionalization is especially complex because of economic space dynamism. This made regional disparities within existing geographical regions so big that changeability of economic regions boundaries could not be overlooked.
The paper provides a completely new aspect of the economical regionalization, using Data Envelopment Analysis method (DEA). Some relevant economic (financial and macroeconomic stability), demographic and social indicators have been chosen to calculate composite index (Regional Development Index - RDI), considering each of these categories through calculated sub-indexes. The given methodology is developed for the purpose of revealing regional disparities within existing European economic regions and provides an excellent tool for evaluating efficiency of possible regional and economic policies.
Key words: economic region, Data Envelopment Analysis, Regional Development Index, regionalization
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