The Danube region in Serbia within the process of transnational cooperation and interregional functional connections

Branka Tošić, Zora Živanović


The paper covers presentation of ways of international cooperation of Danube region on the territory of Republic of Serbia and its spatial integration levels of the immediate and wider environment (cross-border or trans-border aspect of cooperation, transnational cooperation and interregional cooperation). Danube region is space with the most active current integration processes, which take place under the initiative of the European Union and the definition of European instruments supporting cooperation of states along the Danube River flow, as well as more specific territorial entities that are directly related to the river. In addition to European strategies and programs, the cooperation includes cross-border cooperation activities of Serbia based on resolving socio-economic problems, issues related to infrastructure, environmental protection and other areas of cooperation that include spaces Euroregional Association. The grounds for the implementation of planned measures for further Danube region development also include functional connections on regional and local level within the territory of the Republic of Serbia.


international cooperation, European programs, interregional functional connections, Euroregions, planning, Danube region

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