Functional connection of didactical elements in teaching geography

Ljiljana Živković, Slavoljub Jovanović, Marko Ivanović


The aim of this work is to present complex relations within didactical triangle as well as review of the practical usage of relations of didactical polygon. Importance of subject of this work is, certainly, its constant actualization and irrepressible change which is happening within elements and in their mutual interaction. This kind of relation brings innovations and suffers changes from modern times. Starting from immediate ways of communication to closer and further perceive of their development, the subject gets dimension of expected and somewhat exciting. The theme ensued because of the need for logical separation of didactical elements and also to connect them through complex system of communication. Their imbues are coming to express daily while interaction is developing not only in historical period but in instantaneous stages. The media, today, gives grade to development of society and represent degree of progress. As such an important factor, the role of the media must be taken into consideration. Geographical achievement is represented by teaching methods of geography and in that way it represents significant media. Complicatedness of this theme also reflects in universality; geography has advanced as science and there is great expectation for methodical science to catch up with geography and to present new manners, ways of transferring knowledge.


didactical triangle, teaching geography, interpersonal relations, multimedia, teaching contents, teacher, student

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