Cultural attractions of Belgrade in focus of touristic offer
The study presents the touristic offer and demand for cultural attractions of Belgrade, on the basis of the results of the questionnaire survey, i.e., attitudes of surveyees. The aim of the study is to establish hierarchical order of cultural attractions of Belgrade, attributes and factors of attractiveness, as well as of other content necessary for comprehensive consideration of touristic offer. Program package for statistical processing and analysys IBM Statistics 20 was used for obtaining results. Results of the research are supposed to demonstrate whether the biggest importance among cultural attractions of Belgrade belongs to art, ambient units, sacral objects, the fortress, museums or events, historical, artistic, esthetic value or authenticity, and also to indicate to the importance of factors and the content of offer, necessary in formation of touristic product.
Key words: culture, tourism, attractions, attributes of attractiveness, factors of attractiveness, Belgrade
© 2019 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Serbia
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