Screening of pollution for the reclamation of industrial land: evaluation of geological background data

József Denső, Amadé Halász, Viktória Poór, Dénes Lóczy


The paper focuses on the results of rapid, combined multi-techniques in field measurements influenced by the geological background, which allow the survey of extensive polluted areas and decision support systems. The investigated area (former briquette factory) is highly contaminated by Total Petrol Hydrocarbon-types (TPHs). Heavy metals were investigated with GC-MS, turbidimetric, Raman-spectroscopic method, and with XRF. Qualitative assessment of alkanes, alkenes and alkines as well as aromatic compounds was determined by Raman peak analysis. The areas contaminated with Cr, Zn, Co and carcinogenic hydrocarbons, are in most cases absorbed in the coal powder matrix.

Key words: environmental assessment, TPH, metal contamination, Raman spectroscopy, gas chromatography, industrial area

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