Weakening of spatial planning system in Serbia - Age of prevailing of spatial plans for special purpose areas (2010-2020)

Dejan Đorđević, Tijana Dabović, Branislav Bijelić, Bojana Poledica


In the first two decades of the 21st century, the spatial planning system in Serbia underwent a significant transformation following the general trends of change in Serbia. The neoliberal-market model of the economy has directly led to the apparent suppression of social services and of the environmental sector. After 2010, the formerly hierarchical organised system slowly began to marginalise national, regional and local planning. Instead of that, planning of special purpose areas became dominant and almost ubiquitous. This plan, according to the Law, can cover all types of infrastructure, all types of mining, tourist facilities and areas, energy, protected nature objects and cultural and historical monuments, as well as the so-called Belgrade Waterfront and the National Stadium. The paper analyses the causal relationships that have led to the current state of planning, given the systematisation of spatial plans of the special purpose areas so far prepared. Additionally, the paper also discusses the effectiveness of such a partial approach to the field of spatial planning and landscaping in Serbia.

Key words: spatial planning, special purpose area, space, Serbia

 © 2020 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Serbia

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