Development of urban tourism within the urbanization and globalization framework

Marija Antić


The urbanization and globalization phenomenon’s are the most dynamic processes of the modern world. As inevitable, pervasive and irreversible processes, they have a broad and important impact on every day’s life of the societies. Subsequently, the effects of urbanization and globalization on the transformation of existing and the emergence of new touristic objectives in cities have become the topic of scientific debates in recent period. Given that the issue of urban tourism has become relevant during the last three decades, the impact of these processes on the transformation of existing and the emergence of new tourist objectives in urban areas is an unavoidable field of scientific interest. The crucial differences between tourist cities in highly developed and developing countries, as well as between large cities and small towns, further complicates the perception of the complex impacts of urbanization and globalization processes on the phenomenon of urban tourism. These specifics are the main aspects of the development of urban tourism that will be discussed in this paper.

Key words: urban tourism, urbanization, globalization

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