Analysis of equivalent temperature - case of Kragujevac city

Nikola Milentijević, Jovan Dragojlović, Marija Cimbaljević, Dušan Ristić, Kristina Kalkan, Dragan Burić


A more complete climate image of a site is obtained by analyzing bioclimatic indicators. In this paper, an analysis of the physiological sense of heat in the territory of the city of Kragujevac was presented. Bioclimatic considerations are based on the equivalent temperature, which represents the combined influence of air temperature and water vapor pressure. Based on these two climatic elements, the corresponding equations and the Krüger anthropo-climatic classifications, three climate types and nine physiological sensations of heat for the territory of the city of Kragujevac were isolated. Their significance in bioclimatology is that they cause different sensations of heat in healthy and sick people, and can serve as the basis for the expected types of bioclimate during the year. Urban areas are areas of higher population concentration to which the climate elements act stimulating or, on the contrary, discouraging, which depends on the person's health. For the needs of this work, a thirty-year climate period (1981-2010) was analyzed based on the data obtained from the weather station Kragujevac. There are significant historical and tourist sites and natural resources in the city and its surroundings, which can be valorized complementarily. Analyzed values of equivalent temperatures can be used for the planning of tourist activities and in means of tourist propaganda. For this purpose, this work can be a solid bioclimatic basis.

Keywords: equivalent temperatures, Krüger anthropo-climatic classification, Kragujevac, urban areas

© 2018 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

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