Analyzing urban sprawl and urbanisation dynamics: a case study of Bejaia, Oued-Ghir, and Tala-Hamza

Kaouther Tebbane Bouktit, Djamel Alkama, Sofiane Bensehla


Understanding urban sprawl is crucial as it provides a dynamic perspective on urban areas, revealing the driving forces and explanatory factors behind their expansion. This study specifically examines the factors contributing to urban sprawl in Bejaia city and its neighbouring communes, Oued-Ghir and Tala-Hamza. The aim is to analyse the intricate urban systems within these areas, unveiling the diverse forms of peri-urbanisation affecting agricultural land. The results underscore the impact of various factors on urban sprawl in Bejaia City. These factors include demography, spatial population distribution, housing, transportation, access conditions, administrative urban status, economic and social development, as well as employment opportunities. These determinants collectively underpin the ongoing urban sprawl in the region, emphasising the necessity for sustainable urban planning and development strategies.

Key words: urban sprawl, urbanisation dynamics, city, periphery, communes, Bejaia, Oued-Ghir, Tala-Hamza

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