Valorization of cultural tourist values of the city core of Niš according to the Hilary du Cros model

Jelena Milenković


Cultural tourism integrates the culture and tourism sector, whereby mutual benefits can be achieved. In order to reflect favorable conditions in both sectors, it is necessary to approach the planning and transformation of cultural and historical heritage into a cultural-tourist product. The initial phase in planning is the valorization of cultural tourist values. Hilary Du Cros Model was created especially for the valorization of cultural tourist values. The model is complex because it evaluates the cultural-tourist subindicators and the degree of their gradation, separately for the tourism sector and the sector of heritage asset management. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the tourism sector and the sector of the management of representative cultural assets of the city core of Niš according to the Model Hilary Du Cros. After the analysis of sub-indicators, the city core of Niš was awarded a cell M (2,3), which points to favorable conditions for the development of cultural tourism, but it is necessary to approach more responsible planning of cultural tourist values.

Key words: Niš, city core, Hilary Du Cros Model, tourism sector, cultural assets management sector

© 2018 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Serbia

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