Challenges of transnationalism among the second generation of Serbian migrants in Switzerland

Milica Todorović


This paper presents the results of a survey conducted among members of the second generation of Serbian migrants born in Switzerland. Thanks to the data obtained through the application of qualitative research, there are presented activities of the respondents in the transnational area. Their engagement on the route between Serbia and Switzerland is reflected in four areas of transnationalism: direct/indirect contacts, transnational engagement in the receiving state, remittances and visits to the country of origin and return plans. The results indicate that children of migrants who come from a family whose members are active in a transnational space, in most cases, adopt the same norms of behavior and it plays a crucial role in the process of identity formation. However, their transnational behavior on the relationship between the two states has different form, and the transnational activities examined do not condition each other.

Key words: transnationalism, migrations, second generation, Serbia, Switzerland

© 2019 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.
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