The specificities of the climate of Danilovgrad (Montenegro)
Danilovgrad and the Bjelopavlića Plain belong to the submediterranean zone of the Mediterranean climate region. The aim of this paper was to determine some specific characteristics of the Danilovgrad climate, such as the degree of continentality, aridity and bioclimatic characteristics. Data used in the research cover the period 1955–2011. The results of the study showed the dominance of the continental effect on temperature, while oceanicity was less pronounced. In hygric terms, during most of the year the climate of Danilovgrad is characterized as low humid to perhumid. Moreover, in the period October–March it is very humid, which points to the domination of oceanic influences. During the three summer months, it is dry to very dry. Based on the average monthly values of the equivalent temperature – an indicator of physiological (subjective) feeling of heat, the winter months in Danilovgrad are not assessed as very cold. It is cold in January, and in February and December it is cool. It is fresh in March and November, comfortable in April and October, and warm in May and September. In Danilovgrad, in summer it is overheated and a little muggy. All considered indicators point to quite pronounced oscillations during the year, especially in terms of humidity. Comparing the obtained results with Podgorica, it can be concluded that the climate of Danilovgrad is more continental, a bit colder and wetter.
Key words: climate, continentality, aridity, bioclimate, Danilovgrad
© 2019 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.
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Zavod za hidrometeorologiju i seizmologiju Crne Gore, baza podataka 1955–2011.
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