Using behavior mapping to evaluate the using efficiency of public square, case study: November 1st, 1954 Square in M'sila City

Imededdine Salamani, Hynda Boutabba, Nabyl Chenaf


Human behaviour and social interactions in public places are the results of mental processes that are affected by the different components of these spaces. These components may be physical, social, cultural or sensory, but they all have in common the ability to influence the behaviour of users in the public sphere. Consequently, human behaviour can be affected by the presence of physical and environmental features of public places such as buildings, streets, landforms and even occupation by other people. The physical components of public spaces can have a deep impact on how people behave, live and interact in public spaces. This paper aims to highlight the use of public squares in M'sila city, by relating the physical characteristics and behaviour of users within these squares. The analysis was based on the behavioural map approach, which combines two complementary research techniques: direct observation and the questionnaire. To achieve the results, the data was analysed by SPSS and represented by the GIS program. The study concluded that there is a mismatch in the reciprocal relationship between human behaviour and the physical environment of 1st November, 1954 Square, which has resulted in negative effects on human behaviour, which in turn has affected the physical environment of the square too.

Key words: behaviour mapping, public square, user’s behaviour, physical characteristics, M'sila city

© 2022 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

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